Fee Item | Amount |
NSF Returned Item(s) Charge (NSF charge maximum of $100 per day) | $25.00 |
Overdraft NSF Paid Item(s) Charge * (maximum of $100 per day)
$25.00 |
Paper Statement | $5.00 |
Cashiers Check
$4.00 |
Stop Payment | $25.00 |
Local Fax | $2.00 |
Long Distance Fax | $5.00 |
Notary Fee Non-Customer | $2.00 |
Wire Transfer Incoming | $10.00 |
Wire Transfer Outgoing | $20.00 |
International Wire | $40.00 |
Research per hour | $25.00 |
Foreign ATM Usage | $1.50 |
Debit/ATM Card Replacement | $5.00 |
*Overdrafts created by check, in-person withdrawal, ATM withdrawal, or other electronic means.